日本財団 図書館


Container Service Development
Container service is already introduced in MR after the arrival of imported container trucks 12 Nos.from China in 1992. And the 40 Nos. of old timber trucks will be converted to container trucks for dual purpose utilizations in 1996-97. Now, one timber truck has been already converted to container truck and put into service.


Staff welfare
1. Housing
Up to the year 1993-94 19575 residential quarters for staff and 157 officers bungalows were provided. In all there ate 19732 quarters which accommodate approximately 79 percent of the total staff.
In addition Myanma Railway has been giving all possible assistance to staff included in a scheme since 1989 where all governments servants over 15 years of service who did not already have private housing were gradually allotted pieces of land at the outskirts of the respective towns and housing Loans were made available in 1990 to enable them to build new houses for themselves.


2. Allocating of Housing Plots for the Railway Employees
Since the 1989-90 financial year, various schemes were launched in some major cities to provide housing plots for government servants who had served the better of their lives in the carrier and for those who served and lived in Yangon area, with 15 or more years of service. They are entitled for buying a housing plot in the newly satellite town of Dagon Myothit. The price 8,000 Kyats for a plot 2,400 square feet area is only a fraction of the development cost and this can also be paid in installment spread over a five year period and also without any interest. With this scheme 1,300 Railways Employees of Yangon area have been allotted a plot of land each.


3. Etectrification of Railway Stations, Staff Quarters and Service Buildings





4 Medical Facilities
Myanma Railway has a medical department with a Chief Medical Officer and four Divisional Medical Officers. It had twenty nine dispensaries scattered throughout the Railway line. The department employs forty seven medical Officers and these three dental surgeons, working at various clinics.
There are two fifty bedded hospitals, one at Insein for lower Myanmar staffs and the other at Myitnge for Upper Myanmar staffs. Moreover, there are two Casuality Receiving Stations, located at Hsipaw and Taungoo, serving as in patient wards for those staffs working at near by areas.
The department looks after the health of the staffs and their families, performs medical examinations for the new recruits, periodical medical examinations for employees, medical invalidating to those employees who are not fit to work further in Myanma Railways and medical examination for communication of pensions.





